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Representative body

Edustajiston puheenjohtaja Kristiina Lindroos Pron puheenjohtaja Jorma Malisen kukitettavana.

Representative body

The representative body is Trade Union Pro’s highest decision-making body, elected by the union members. The representative body confirms the policies of Pro, selects the president of the union, and supervises the operations of the board. In addition, it decides on the order of a vote and election, membership fee, and the share of membership fees returned to the member organisations.
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The representative body is elected by the union members. All members who either in working life or available to the labour market are eligible for election and to vote.

The representative body has members from each of the union’s industry sectors proportionally to the number of their members. Majority elections guarantee that the representative body has members from all parts of the country. Candidates can be nominated by either member associations or independent constituency associations. The latter require at least 20 members, who are eligible to vote and belong to the same industry sector.

The next elections of Pro’s representative body will take place in 2024.

Chairpersons of Representative Body  2020–2024

Chairperson of Representative Body, Representative body
+358 50 364 6972
1st Vice Chairperson of Representative Body, Representative body
+358 50 406 2518
2nd Vice Chairperson of Representative Body, Representative body
+358 50 462 2852
3rd Vice Chairperson of Representative Body, Representative body
+358 40 596 4044
4th Vice Chairperson of Representative Body, Representative body
+358 50 329 1809
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