It is often thought that the trade union is contacted when there are big problems in working life, such as conflicts at the workplace or a tangle in working conditions. However, you don't have to have major challenges in your working life to belong to the trade union. You can also contact us with small questions related to working life. We think they all deserve an answer.
In addition to answering all your questions, the trade union negotiates on your behalf wages, benefits, and bonuses, such as vacation pay, daily allowances, and experience bonuses. Through Trade Union Pro, you also belong to the unemployment fund, so your finances are protected if you become unemployed.
In addition to challenging situations in working life, the trade union also supports you in your own professional development. The union's goal is that you succeed, develop and enjoy a meaningful working life and are able to focus on what is essential – both in your career and in your personal life.
Trade Unions support the livelihood, skills and well-being of their members. The trade union negotiates on your behalf about salaries, benefits and allowances, such as vacation pay and daily allowances and experience allowances. Unions promote a socially, ecologically and economically sustainable egalitarian society.
Trade Union Pro is a multi-disciplinary trade union that you can belong to regardless of industry, position and life situation. Pro represents your interests in working life and helps you move forward in your career.
Trade unions were founded to promote the interests of employees. Anyone working can belong to a trade union. You can also join the union as a student. There is no minimum age limit for a trade union membership, but you are entitled to unemployment insurance at the age of 18.
You can join Pro if you are working and getting paid. You can also join Pro if you are on maternity or family leave.
Are you currently unemployed or laid off? In that case, you should join as soon as you get a new job or return to work after the layoff.
You can turn to the trade union especially when there are challenges at work, but the union also supports you when everything is well at work. For example you can get support for conflict situations in working life, financial security during unemployment, legal advice and support for salary negotiations. The trade union also supports you during job search and helps with occupational well-being training. You will also have support during layoff, on parental leave or when you are searching a new career path.
You don't have to understand everything the law and the collective agreement say. We have negotiated a collective agreement with the employer like the rules for doing and assigning work. If you feel that something is not right in your workplace, you always have a trade union to ask for help. There is nothing so small that it is not important to us.
How to join the union?
You should choose a trade union that negotiates your collective agreement. Trade Union Pro is a good option because we negotiate more than 75 collective agreements and, in addition, numerous company-specific agreements. We represent a wide range of industries. We are especially a union of professionals, experts and supervisors. You can join us regardless of your education, title or regardless of industry, position or life situation.
You can become a member of Trade Union Pro by filling out the membership form. When you become a member of the unemployment fund at the same time, you will receive earnings-related unemployment fee if you become unemployed. When you join Pro, you also join the association. When joining, you can choose the association you wish from the list. You can also leave the field blank and we will choose the right association for you based on your employer or where you live.
You don't necessarily have to tell anyone about joining the union.
If you already belong to another trade union and you change your membership to Pro, you can authorize us to make a notice of resignation on your behalf. We will notify your previous union about your resignation and the whole thing is conveniently handled in one go. The authorization is easy to do when you fill out the joining form. Just mention the name of the previous union and unemployment fund and state the date you want your membership to end.
You can also handle the resignation from the previous union yourself. If you do not authorize us to tell you about the separation, remember to notify your previous union or unemployment fund. In that case, it is worth noting that you should switch from the previous union to a new one within a month so that the conditions for earnings-related unemployment insurance are not interrupted
Those who joined during the campaign pay their membership fee themselves, which means you cannot add it to the employer's collection. You will receive an invoice from this to your home about a week after joining. After the campaign period (2023–2025) you will switch to paying Pro's normal membership fee. The membership fee is fully tax deductible.
You should choose a trade union that negotiates your collective agreement. Members of different trade unions can work in the same workplace. Ask the local union representative at your workplace which union is right for you or contact us directly at Trade Union Pro. It is important to choose an union that knows your field so that you can not only get expert help in potential problems but also relevant training benefits for your field of expertise.