Who we are
Trade Union Pro is the sum of its members, and the members have the ultimate decision-making power in Pro. The members are represented by the union's representative body. In addition, members influence the union's activities through the board, regional activities and associations in the workplace.
Advocacy consists of five sectors, i.e. industries.
- The financial sector
- ICT and communications
- The public sector
- The service sector
- The industrial sector
Our experts negotiate collective agreements and help members with potential issues in the workplace. Our staff work in Kalasatama in Helsinki and in four regions around Finland.
We are negotiating four collective agreements for the financial sector, the credit information and collection sector, the insurance sector and the money processing sector. We also have four house-specific collective agreements: Danske Bank, Pension Security Centre, Finnvera and Crosskey.
The financial sector is led by Antti Hakala.
We negotiate collective agreements for TeliaSonera, Elisa, DNA and companies responsible for the maintenance and repair of data networks, among others. We are responsible for collective bargaining for call centres and electronic and print media employees.
Antti Hakala leads the ICT sector.
Most of our public sector members work in government agencies and institutions, universities, state-owned enterprises, but also in the private sector. We negotiate twenty collective agreements. Our contract areas include the state, the university, the general collective agreement for specific sectors at Palta, Alko employees, the real estate services of the University of Helsinki, the National Gallery, the private social services sector, the counselling sector, seminologists and semen collection centres and Unigrafia.
The public sector is led by Niko Simola.
We negotiate dozens of collective agreements, whether general or company-specific. We cover collective agreements in the construction and real estate services sector. We also negotiate collective agreements for the transport and logistics sector, as well as collective agreements for the gaming industry, accountancy firms, private laboratories and stevedoring, among others.
The service sector is led by Minea Pyykönen.
We negotiate dozens of collective agreements, most of which are generally binding. We cover industries such as technology, automotive, forestry (paper and wood processing), chemicals, food, energy, consumer goods, design and consultancy.
The industrial sector is led by Anssi Vuorio.

Collective Agreement Specialists at your service
Our National Collective Agreement Specialists negotiate labor and service collective agreements and help members with problems in working life. Our personnel work in Helsinki's Kalasatama and in four regions around Finland.
Members have a voice in the negotiating committees
Each of Pro's collective bargaining agreements has its own negotiating committee. The members are elected from active shop stewards or members of the union administration.
The negotiating committee brings collective agreement objectives to the Board for approval or rejection. It also acts in the same way with regard to industrial action. The secretary of the committee is the bargaining agent.
The Executive Board
Pro's Executive Board manages the day-to-day running of the union. It comprises the President, the Directors of sectors and collective bargaining, the Director of Public Affairs and the Director of Finance and Administration.