As a member of Pro, you also get free legal counselling by phone on private matters.

Our specialists and lawyers make sure that the terms of your work are fair
They provide advise and solve disagreements at the workplace with the employer. They also negotiate collective agreements with employer's representatives and, at the last instance, defend you in court.
The legal costs of employment-related disputes can easily rise up to tens of thousands of Euros. For our members, Pro's legal aid is free of financial risks.
Legal counselling on private matters
As a member of Trade Union Pro you can get free legal counselling also on private legal matters. These may include topics related to, for instance, family law, inheritance, dissolution of joint ownership or tenancy and ownership of an apartment.
According to the amendment to the Electronic Communications Services Act, the price of calling company numbers, i.e. national subscriber numbers (e.g. numbers starting with 010), from 28.12.2023 is the mobile phone charge (mpm) when calling with a mobile phone and the local network charge (pvm) when calling with a landline phone.
This ended well
In this video, Totti Brunila, a lawyer from the trade union Pro, talks about a legal case in which Liisa, who works in a bakery, was illegally fired from her job.
Shop stewards and union experts at your side
Pro offers many services to its members. Trained shop stewards, work life counseling and legal aid are there to support you.