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Pro – working life is our life's work

Our story began in industrialising Finland when workers formed unions to push for better working conditions. Decades later, in 2011, many became one, when a brand new and more diverse Trade Union Pro was created on these roots. By then, experts from almost every sector of society, from ICT to industry and from service professions to finance, were already involved, and soon people from the communications and public sectors followed.
Prolaisia ei yhdistä ammatti tai koulutus, vaan evoluutio on nivonut yhteen joukon omien alojensa ammattilaisia.

Like all of Finland in miniature

Pro members are not united by profession or education, but evolution has knit together a group of professionals in their own fields. And what a power bunch it is. 

More than a trade union, Pro is, in fact, a union of trades. Like all of Finland in miniature. 

Kun meitä on monta, kukaan ei jää yksin.

Because when we are many, working life is better

The dynamics of influence are like laws of nature: few will do better alone now or in the future. More than anything, the story of Pro is a story of working together. It's a story of what we achieve when we trust that there is a strength of numbers and build solutions for all rather than the few.   

Because when we are many, working life is better. 

When we are many, no one is left alone.