Press releases
Read more (in Finnish)Vote for a better working life
In addition to collective bargaining, the issues affecting your working life are decided in the Finnish parliament and the European Union. Our job is to make sure that your voice is heard in decision-making. We raise important working life themes in the elections and support candidates who share our values. By voting, you are advocating for a better working life.
Elections in Finland
Check out Pro's parliamentary election themes and elected pro members here.
Find out about Pro's regional election themes and the Pro people elected in the regional elections here.
You can familiarize yourself with Pro's municipal election themes and Pro members elected in the municipal elections here.
Pro member Miapetra Kumpula-Natri (sd.) was elected to the European Parliament for another term.

This is how we advocate in your own area
We advocate all over Finland. Fourteen regional executive boards are responsible for the planning of different regions: they include 4–10 regular members and two general alternate members. The activities are common to the associations of each region. The regional boards influence the region, increase the cohesion of the members and acquire new members to join the activities. The members of the regional executive boards are elected for two years at a time at the regional meeting of the associations.
The regional boards
Alueet ovat
- Häme
- Itä-Uusimaa (Porvoon seutukunta, Loviisan seutukunta)
- Karjala (Pohjois-Karjala)
- Keski-Suomi
- Keski-Uusimaa (Nurmijärvi, Hyvinkää, Mäntsälä Järvenpää, Kerava, Tuusula, Pornainen),
- Kymi-Saimaa (Etelä-Savo ja Kaakkois-Suomi)
- Lappi
- Oulu-Kainuu (Kainuu ja Pohjois-Pohjanmaa)
- Pirkanmaa
- Pohjanmaa (Etelä-Pohjanmaa, Keski-Pohjanmaa ja Pohjanmaa),
- pääkaupunkiseutu ja Länsi-Uusimaa (Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Kauniainen, Kirkkonummi, Sipoo, Raaseporin seutukunta, Lohja, Karkkila, Siuntio, Inkoo, Vihti),
- Satakunta
- Savo (Pohjois-Savo)
- Varsinais-Suomi (Ahvenanmaa)
Questions? We're here to help
Statement requests
Kindly submit your request for statements to [email protected]