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How we influence society

As a trade union, we’ve got your back and are here to support you not only at the workplace, but also in society. We influence decision-making and legislation. We keep the voice of our members prominent in the social debate. Our statement and position papers are based on regular member surveys and guidelines given by our representative body and the board.

The Representative Body and the Board

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International advocacy

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Occupational safety and well-being at work

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Climate change and working life

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Our partners

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Press releases

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Elections in Finland

Check out Pro's parliamentary election themes and elected pro members here.

Find out about Pro's regional election themes and the Pro people elected in the regional elections here.  

You can familiarize yourself with Pro's municipal election themes and Pro members elected in the municipal elections here. 

Pro member Miapetra Kumpula-Natri (sd.) was elected to the European Parliament for another term.

Vaikutamme ympäri Suomea

This is how we advocate in your own area

We advocate all over Finland. Fourteen regional executive boards are responsible for the planning of different regions: they include 4–10 regular members and two general alternate members. The activities are common to the associations of each region. The regional boards influence the region, increase the cohesion of the members and acquire new members to join the activities. The members of the regional executive boards are elected for two years at a time at the regional meeting of the associations.  

The regional boards

Alueet ovat

  • Häme
  • Itä-Uusimaa (Porvoon seutukunta, Loviisan seutukunta)
  • Karjala (Pohjois-Karjala)
  • Keski-Suomi
  • Keski-Uusimaa (Nurmijärvi, Hyvinkää, Mäntsälä Järvenpää, Kerava, Tuusula, Pornainen),
  • Kymi-Saimaa (Etelä-Savo ja Kaakkois-Suomi)
  • Lappi
  • Oulu-Kainuu (Kainuu ja Pohjois-Pohjanmaa)
  • Pirkanmaa
  • Pohjanmaa (Etelä-Pohjanmaa, Keski-Pohjanmaa ja Pohjanmaa),
  • pääkaupunkiseutu ja Länsi-Uusimaa (Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Kauniainen, Kirkkonummi, Sipoo, Raaseporin seutukunta, Lohja, Karkkila, Siuntio, Inkoo, Vihti),
  • Satakunta
  • Savo (Pohjois-Savo)
  • Varsinais-Suomi (Ahvenanmaa)

Questions? We're here to help

Director of Public Affairs, Executive Board