Together we can achieve a lot
Climate change affects the labour market as much as it affects the daily lives of each of our members. Employers have to think about new, more environmentally friendly production methods. Some products will be withdrawn from the market and new alternatives will have to be developed to replace them. Digitalisation is enabling more and more people to work from anywhere and at any time. On the other hand, work may be outsourced.
There are more than 120 000 of us at Pro. Together, we can achieve a lot of climate action at home and at work. For tips on climate action, check out our new, gamified online course. We will share examples from the workplace and give you tips for further action.
You can complete the training at your convenience, either on your mobile phone or on your computer. Welcome – join us!

Participate and make a difference
Climate and environmental issues will inevitably affect both the work and everyday lives of our members. At Pro, this means a new Pro Goes Green activity that, in addition to the climate and environmental issues mentioned above, also takes into account the importance of nature for recovery from work and mental well-being. To this end, we have also set up a ProGoesGreen group on Proplus, where you can find out more and also join in the discussion.