Information on pensions
Staff members born before 1955 are entitled to a retirement pension of their choice at the age of 63-68. The minimum retirement age for staff members born in 1955 and after increases from the current 63 years by three months at each age until the minimum age of 65. For those born between 1962 and 1964, the lower age limit for old-age pensions is 65. For those born in 1965 and after, the lower age limit for old-age pensions will be adjusted to take account of changes in life expectancy and will only become more precise in the future.
If a staff member does not apply for a retirement pension at the lowest possible retirement age and continues to be gainfully employed, a deferment increase will be applied to the accrued pension. The deferment shall be equal to 0.4% for each month of deferment beyond the minimum retirement age.
When a staff member retires, the employment contract must be terminated. The staff member may, however, continue to work for the same or a different employer while drawing a retirement pension. If he continues to work for the same employer, the conditions of employment must be substantially different (e.g. different duties, significantly shorter working hours).
The earliest age at which a partial early retirement pension can be taken is 61. It can be accompanied by free work with no limits on working hours or income, but no work requirement. Partial early retirement reduces the pension accumulation.
The reform of the occupational pension scheme, which came into force at the beginning of 2017, abolished the part-time pension. However, part-time pensions in payment continue under the old rules.
An occupational pension may be granted to a person aged 63 or over who has at least 38 years of pensionable employment history and who has worked in a job that causes hardship and wear and tear. It is also required that the person's capacity to work has been impaired by illness, defect or injury, but not to the extent that it entitles him/her to a full invalidity pension. The occupational pension may be granted to persons born in 1955 and later.
An invalidity pension may be granted to a person who is not yet of retirement age and whose capacity for work has been reduced by sickness, defect or injury for at least 3/5 of a continuous period of at least one year. If the person's incapacity for work is estimated at 2/5 but less than 3/5, a partial invalidity pension may be granted. The invalidity pension may also be granted as a temporary rehabilitation allowance or partial rehabilitation allowance.

The Trade Union Pro Seniorit ry is an association for seniors
The Seniors' Association is a national interest organisation for retired employees, which promotes the social status of its members and safeguards their pension benefits. The association also promotes the mental and physical well-being of its members by organising recreational and leisure activities, among other things. For information on the activities of the Senior Citizens' Association, membership fees and membership benefits, please visit the Association's website.
How do I notify the Union of my retirement?
Notify our member service of your retirement. Once we have received your notification, we will transfer you to the Trade Union Pro Seniorit ry.
Within a month of your notification, you will receive a letter of membership of the Seniors' Association.
If you want to join the Seniors' Association, please fill in the membership form by clicking here. In so doing, you will also end your membership in the Pro Unemployment Fund.
If you do not wish to continue with the Union Pro Seniors, please fill in the resignation form for both the Union and the Unemployment Fund here.

You can now get your senior membership card in digital form. You can find it by logging into Proplus and clicking on "Jäsentietoni" (My Membership Details).
The membership card can be downloaded by clicking on the blue "Näytä jäsenkortti" (Show membership card) button. You can print it as a hard copy or download it on your device. Plastic membership cards are no longer available.
More information on pensions
For more information on pensions and how to apply for them, contact the pension institution where your employer has insured its staff. You can also visit the website of the Finnish Centre for Pensions and the Työelä website, where you can also check your own occupational pension statement.