A strike organised by a trade union or its member association is always legal for the person on strike, which means that you are not doing anything illegal when participating in a strike organised by the union. Possible sanctions for illegal industrial action always affect the trade union or its member association.
Collective agreements of employment and office stipulate that the industrial action targeted at the agreement in question are prohibited during the agreement’s validity. If the agreement is violated, a fine may be imposed, for which the organiser of the industrial action is responsible.
If the collective agreement of employment and office is not in force, a so-called non-contractual state is in force. Under such circumstances, the strike organiser must give a written notice two weeks before the strike begins. The notification is given both to the national conciliator and the agreement’s opposing negotiator (employers’ organisation). If the notice period is not observed, fines may be imposed on the industrial action’s organiser.
The situations described above only apply to industrial action related to collective agreements of employment and office. In addition to these, sympathy strikes, political industrial action and overtime bans can be organised legally. These have no notification period, or it may have been separately agreed to be a period of four days, for example. However, they are not legal for public servants whose only legally permitted industrial action is a strike
An employer has no right to dismiss an employee or terminate the employment contract due to participating in industrial action if the action is organised by a union or local association. The form of industrial action is irrelevant. The employment protection of shop stewards, shop stewards of a department and occupational safety officers is determined by the provisions of the collective agreement or by legislation even during a strike.
A strike does not change the employer’s right to terminate the employment relationship during the industrial action on production and economic grounds, for example. However, the grounds for dismissal or targeting the dismissal must not be discriminatory and unduly limited to employees that belong to the union, for example. You have the right to terminate an indefinite employment contract at any time, even during a strike.
The employer is not allowed to act in a discriminatory or unequal manner when considering which persons to dismiss. Termination of employment in connection to collective industrial action is very rare. In such a case, you should contact the union immediately.
If you lose your earnings as a result of a work stoppage, we will pay you a strike pay. You need a valid Pro membership. You are entitled to strike pay from the date of joining if you are on strike. A tax deduction is automatically withheld from the strike pay.
During the strike, the employee will not receive unemployment allowance. If your employment ends during the strike and you become unemployed, you must register as a jobseeker with the employment office in accordance with the normal procedure. An unemployed employee’s right to unemployment allowance is determined normally in accordance with the related rules.
Industrial action organised by a union or association cannot lead to personal consequences for the person participating in the strike. Employers must not pressure employees if they participate in industrial action organised by a union. If you feel any pressure, report it to the union immediately.
Read our news bulletins and follow our website. Members will receive information about the strike throughout the 14 days after the strike warning has been issued. Your shop steward will tell you more about the strike.
The strike announcement always indicates the time when the strike begins. Members will not go to work after the strike starts. If the strike begins during a shift, the employees interrupt their work and exit the workplace at the beginning of the strike. At the start of the strike, Pro’s employee representative goes around the workplace directing personnel off the workplace.
Do not leave anything at your workplace that you might need during the strike. After the start of the strike, you must not go to the workplace under any circumstances. When a strike begins, the employer usually asks employees to return the devices they have handed over to the employee as an employee benefit. Upon request, these devices must be handed over to the employer.
Check that you have the contact details of the strike committee and the possible strike office, as well as its opening hours. . The strike committee announces strike events and has a strike office, which you can visit to discuss the strike and ask questions. Check that the union has your current contact details. If you have only provided the union with a work email and phone number, you should also add a secondary email/phone number in the register. This information is used during a strike to contact members.
Work will be resumed after the strike’s fixed term expires. If the strike ends with a negotiated outcome, a return-to-work agreement will be concluded. There is typically 1–3 days to get back to work after a strike. The employer does not pay wages for this period.

Strike pay compensates for lost earnings during a strike
If you lose your earnings as a result of a work stoppage, we will pay you a strike pay. You need a valid Pro membership. You are entitled to strike pay from the date of joining if you are on strike.
You can apply for the strike pay by email. Send a secured email through this link to lakkohakemus(at)proliitto.fi. Name the email as ‘Strike application’ and attach the following information:
- Your name
- The company you work for
- The company where you actually work, if it is different from the employment relationship (e.g. subcontracting or temporary work)
- Place where the work is carried out
- Personal identity code
- Union of which you are a member (if other than Pro)
- Bank account number in IBAN format (FI+16 characters without spaces)
- The strike in question
- The strike days/work shifts you have been on strike.
No attachments are required.
Pro’s executive board decides on strike pay separately for each case of industrial action. A tax deduction is automatically withheld from the strike pay.
Calculation of strike pay of €70: The aid is tax-free up to €16. A 35 per cent tax deduction is withheld from aid that exceeds €16 in accordance with section 88 of the Income Tax Act and the decision of the tax administration. In this case, the exceeding part is €54. The net sum of the strike pay is €51.10 per day. We withhold taxes and clear it with the tax authorities.
Calculation of strike pay of €105: The aid is tax-free up to €16. A 40 per cent tax deduction is withheld from aid that exceeds €16 in accordance with section 88 of the Income Tax Act and the decision of the tax administration. In this case, the exceeding part is €89. The net sum of the strike pay is €69.40 per day. We withhold taxes and clear it with the tax authorities.
Calculation of strike pay of €140: The aid is tax-free up to €16. A 45 per cent tax deduction is withheld from aid that exceeds €16 in accordance with section 88 of the Income Tax Act and the decision of the tax administration. In this case, the exceeding part is €124. The net sum of the strike pay is €84.20 per day and €421 for five weekdays. We withhold taxes and clear it with the tax authorities.
After the strike has ended Pro will submit the details of all applied strike pays to the bank. The strike pay is paid to your account after three (3) following working days.
During the strike, you will not receive unemployment allowance. If your employment ends during the strike and you become unemployed, you must register as a jobseeker with the employment office in accordance with the normal procedure. An unemployed employee’s right to unemployment allowance is determined normally in accordance with the related rules.
During the strike, you can receive social assistance from the local social welfare office, provided that you meet the conditions for receiving income support. Social assistance is the last resort of income security. It can be granted in situations where an individual’s or a family’s income and funds are insufficient for the necessary everyday expenses. When assessing entitlement to the assistance, all income available to the family is taken into account.
Upon written application, the strike committee may grant strike pay to an employee who participates in the strike but joins Pro only after the strike has begun.
Read Pro's strike instructions
Our strike instructions give general instructions for what to do during industrial action and provide basic information about industrial action. The instructions include most common strike-related questions as well as instructions for associations and shop stewards on how to act during industrial action. However, each industrial action is different and there will be specified instructions for the strike.