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Membership - better working life

As a member of Trade Union Pro you receive help and advise, better unemployment security and many other benefits and services that help you in your career. Our collective agreements guarantee fair terms of work that are above the legal minimum. You can join us no matter what is your education, title or employment.
Our services
Kaksi asiantuntijaa keskustelee

Support at work

If you happen to  encounter any problems at work, your local shop steward or occupational safety delegate support you. Also our experts and lawyers provide advice, negotiate agreements and can even defend you in court. Our legal aid is free of charge and carries no risks for you.

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Mies ja nainen juristin tai lakimiehen puheilla

Legal counselling

Our specialists and lawyers ensure that the terms of your work are fair and follow what has been officially agreed. They also give advise, negotiate agreements, settle disputes and, at the last instance, defend you in court. For our members, our legal aid does not cost anything and carries no personal risks

As a member of Pro, you and your family  also get free counselling by phone on private legal matters.

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Kiipeäminen, työttömyysturva

Unemployment security

Anyone of us can become unemployed. As a member, you belong to Unemployment Fund Pro and receive earnings-related unemployment security once you meet its security. Earnings-related unemployment security is substantially higher than the standard unemployment benefit so even if you happen to become unemployed, your back is secured. 

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Aikuinen mies hymyilee

Who can join

You can join us irrespective of your education, title or employment relation.


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Kokenut nainen hymyilee, hieman vakava ilme

Why join

The purpose of a trade union is to promote your interests. We are both a safety net and a rocket pack for your career and help you to succeed more easily!

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Aikuinen nainen hymyilee

How to join

Become a member by filling in a membership form. Trade Union Pro's membership includes earnings-related unemployment security and by joining Pro, you also become a member of Unemployment Fund Pro. 

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Nainen istuu koneen ääressä sohvalla ja juo kahvia.

Are you a member?

Has your contract field, employer or workplace changed? Would you like to order bank reference numbers for paying the membership fee? Do you want to change your local association? 

You can update your member information by filling in a suitable online form. 

Or are you perhaps wondering how to pay the membership fee or how it can be deducted in your taxation?

Are you wondering how to proceed?

As a member you have the support of our experts. 

Contact us, we are happy to help you!

Join us today!

Access all benefits and services.

Membership includes earnings-related unemployment security.

1,25 %
Membership fee of your monthly salary
120 000 members
One of the largest in Finland
Strong negotiator we negotiatve 150 collective agreements