After joining Pro I am doing better

For a better working life
We want that you are treated fairly at work, your salary is decent and that you are doing well. We do influence all this by negotiating competitive terms of work for you. We also offer various high-quality membership benefits and make sure that your voice is heard in the public debate.
Being a union member pays off
Trade unions negotiate collective agreements and monitor the terms of employment. More members mean more power to negotiate a competitive deal for everyone and to defend your interests.

Services just for you
After paying our membership fee, you have access to numerous useful benefits and services, which help you to drive your career further. Should you have any problems along the way, we cover your back and help you to solve them.

Career development
As a member you have access to confidential and concrete advice provided by your personal career coach. Coaching helps you to create a successful career, show your skills and prepare for unexpected changes. Once you know what you are good at, it is easier to convince others about it too.

Support during unemployment
Even the most talented expert or a supervisor can become unemployed. As a Pro member, you belong to Unemployment Fund Pro and receive earnings-related unemployment benefits, provided that the relevant conditions are met.

Legal counselling
Our experts and lawyers ensure that the terms and conditions of your employment are fair and follow the agreements. They give advice and help to solve possible conflicts with the employer. In addition they negotiate collective agreements with the employer unions and, at the last instance, defend you in court.

Union for professionals, experts and managers
Members of Trade Union Pro work in five different sectors: finance, industry, service, ICT and communications and public sector.
Pro members working in the finance sector employed, for instance, by large finance groups, credit and debt collection businesses, franchising and stockbroker companies as well as banks and insurance companies.
Many of our members work in the industry sector, for example in technology, energy, and chemistry industries.
In the service sector our members work in HR, laboratories, aviation, money handling, construction and other related fields.
Many of our members working in the ICT and communication sector work in graphic design, media industry and telecommunications.
Members of Pro working in the public sector work usually in government offices and public utilities, universities or in state-owned companies.
Is Pro the right choice for you?
I have a vocational degree. Should I join Pro?
Yes. Many of our members have vocational degree from various different fields, such as business and administration, social sciences, humanities or technology and transportation.
I have a polytechnic degree. Should I join Pro? Is Pro right union for you, if you are an engineer or business administration professional?
Yes, many of our members have graduated from polytechnic and are engineers or have BBA degrees. Our members also include bioanalysts, laboratory analysts, forestry engineers, construction supervisors and media professionals.
I have a bachelor’s degree. Should I join Pro?
Yes. We also have members who have bachelor’s degree for instance from social sciences, economics, administration sciences or technology.
I have a master’s degree. Should I join Pro? Kannattaako Prohon liittyä, jos olet suorittanut maisterin tutkinnon?
Yes. Many members of Pro have master’s degrees from fields such as engineering, administration sciences, economics or social sciences.
I have a doctoral degree. Should I join Pro?
Yes. We also welcome members who have doctoral degrees.
Is Pro right choice for you based on what you do?
Our members work in fields such as:
- Administrative planning
- Auditing and controller tasks
- Construction
- Customer service
- Financial administration, bookkeeping, payroll administration
- Financial services, insurances, debt collection and investment services
- Health care
- Human resources and recruitment
- Information and communication technology
- Logistics, forwarding, transportation and storage services
- Maintenance and repair
- Managerial work
- Media and communications
- Outsourcing and procurement services, import and export
- Plant and animal care
- Product development and quality control
- Product design and planning
- Project management and consulting
- Property management
- Reimbursement and payment services
- Real estate
- Sales and marketing
- Secretarial and other office work
- Software development, coding, analytics and IT security
- Service design and planning, development
- Teaching and training, research
- Technical engineering and consulting
- Security services
- Supervision of work, production management