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Trade Union Pro

Pro is a collective force of working life and one of the largest trade unions in Finland. Pro's members are educated professionals, experts and managers in a wide array of sectors. We are home to 120 000 members and negotiate 180 collective agreements.
Teemme työtä, jotta jäsenillämme menisi paremmin niin työssä kun vapaa-ajalla.

A humane working life is a human right

Our mission is to improve the working conditions, livelihoods and career prospects of our members and those studying these fields. We also look after the well-being of our members, both at work and off duty.

We believe that a humane working life is a human right. We foresee international developments and phenomena and develop new solutions for Finnish working life.

We build a socially, ecologically and economically sustainable, equal society - or to put it shortly: the joy of working life! 


How we influence society

We influence decision-making and legislation. We keep the voice of our members prominent in the social debate.


How we influence society


Read our statements here, e.g. to the labor market, economic policy and public finance policy.

Read our statements

Our international work

We do international work because the forces of change and challenges in working life extend beyond national borders. Digitization, artificial intelligence, platform work and the workload of everyday work affect working life across the globe.

Our international work