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Membership card

The Trade Union Pro membership card is conveniently carried with you in the mobile app on your mobile phone. Download the app to your phone and enjoy the benefits and services of your membership card.
In addition, you can now also get your membership card in digital form from Proplussa. There are now two convenient options to choose from, use whichever you prefer.
Download your electronic membership card

As a member of the Trade Union Pro, you enjoy many benefits and services. With the mobile app, you can access all your benefits easily. From mobile, you can read the news, find your regional benefits and our most interesting training courses, update your own information and manage your industrial relations with your shop steward or union experts with just a few swipes. It also acts as your insurance card when you travel. You can also find your membership number on the mobile app.

Download it free of charge for Android and iPhone phones: log in to your app store and search for the app as Ammattiliitto Pro.

Are you already familiar with the digital membership card?

Pro's membership card is now also available in digital form from ProPlus. You can find it by logging into ProPlus and clicking on "My membership details". You can download the membership card by clicking on the blue button "Show membership card". You can print it as a hard copy or save it to your device's screen. The digital membership card also serves as your insurance card.

The digital membership card can be downloaded by all members of Pro and Pro Seniors. The senior card does not contain insurance information, as seniors are not covered by membership insurance.  Plastic membership cards are no longer available.

The membership card goes on your mobile phone
Benefits, training and news in one place
Your travel insurance card is also on your mobile
Nuori mies sohvalla, puhelin kädessä

Take your mobile card with you

If you don't already have a mobile card, you should download it now. It's easy to download: you can find the app in your phone's app store under the name Ammattiliitto Pro.

To log in, you will need your membership number, the last part of your ID (without the dash), your email address or mobile phone number and a login code. Your email and mobile phone details must be up to date in the membership register.

The mobile card is an ecological alternative to the plastic membership card. Nature thanks us when we use digital services and together we reduce the amount of plastic we use.

Puhelin ja jäsenkortti
Download the app
Download Ammattiliitto Pro from the app store. Get it for free on your Android or iOS smartphone.
Puhelin ja jäsenkortti
Sign in to the app
You will need your membership number, the rest of your social security number, your email address or your phone number.
Puhelin ja jäsenkortti
Enjoy benefits and services
Read news, discover benefits and training, and update your information. Also use the app as your insurance card.

How to download the mobile app (video in Finnish)