Remember to report unpaid periods to the union
The membership of the unemployment fund is included in Pro’s membership fee. Membership in the unemployment fund continues when you pay a membership fee for every month you accrue income. The unemployment fund’s membership fee is automatically charged from the benefits paid by Unemployment Fund Pro.
Remember to report all unpaid periods to the union. In Pro, you do not need to pay membership fees from a period you do not receive any pay (such as, for instance, study leave). The most convenient way to report this is to use our online form. You can also contact us by phone or email. In case of unemployment, please remember to follow Unemployment Fund Pro's instructions for applying for earnings-related allowance.

We support you during unemployment
Even the most talented expert or a supervisor can become unemployed. As a Pro member, you belong to Unemployment Fund Pro and receive earnings-related unemployment benefits when the relevant conditions are met. When looking for a new job, we will also help you with personal training, videos, or webinars, just the way that suits you.
Who has a right to earnings-related unemployment allowance?