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Unemployment security

Even the most talented expert or a supervisor can become unemployed. As a Pro member, you belong to Unemployment Fund Pro* and receive earnings-related unemployment benefits when the relevant conditions are met. When looking for a new job, we will also help you with personal training, videos, or webinars, just the way that suits you.

* You may belong to another unemployment fund if your previous union has merged with Trade Union Pro.

Join Pro

You can join us no matter irrespective of your education, title or line of work. 

Membership includes earnings-related unemployment security. 

Do you have questions on unemployment security?

Are you about to become unemployed and not sure what to do? Do you need to know how and when you can apply for earnings-related daily allowance? Or are you wondering what will be the amount of my earnings-related daily allowance? Answers to all these questions (and many more) can be found on Unemployment Fund Pro's website!


Do you have the right to earnings-related unemployment security?

You have the right to earnings-related unemployment security if you have if you have met the working condition while being a member of the unemployment fund and paid the membership fees for the working period. Working condition is met if you have been employed and receiving a salary long enough and your working time has exceeded a certain weekly minimum. More information can be found at Unemployment Fund Pro's website. 

Personalised career coaching

As a member you have a personal career coach who can give you concrete advise on developing your career. You can discuss confidentially matters related to your job, career, job search and well-being.  Coaching is done by phone or voice  / video call and it is available in English, Estonian and Russian.

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