You can authorize your employer to collect the fee direct from your pay or you can pay it yourself. If you choose to pay the fee yourself, you will need appropriate bank reference number.
We offer the union membership and all union services to new members for a monthly price of 12.90 euros from 1.11.2024 until 21 September 2025.
Trade Union Pro’s membership fee is fully tax-deductible. We will notify the Finnish tax authority about paid membership fees irrespective of whether your employer collects the fee from your salary or you pay it yourself.
Frequently asked questions about membership fee
The easiest way to pay the membership fee is to agree with your employer that it is collected directly from your salary. Fill in the fee collection agreement and submit it to your payroll administrator. After the form has been signed, send the form to Pro’s member services and we will send you payroll administration necessary information for collecting the membership fee.
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You have the right to be exempted from paying the membership fee if you have no taxable earned income or the right to benefits paid by the unemployment fund.
Let us know of the exemption by filling in the adjacent online form.
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If you want to pay the membership fee yourself, you can order payment reference by clicking the adjacent link.
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If you have overdue membership fees, please contact our member services. By paying your membership fees in time, you ensure that there are no interruptions in your membership benefits and unemployment security. According to our rules, your membership in the union and in the unemployment fund can be terminated if your membership fees are overdue for longer than 3 months.
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Check you pay slip for paid membership fees. If are a self-paying member, pay your membership fee monthly using the correct reference number for the month in question.
If you have any questions concerning your membership fee, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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You can deduct the membership fee in your taxation in full. In practice this means that when you pay your membership fee, it is deducted from your taxable income in your taxation.
We notify the tax office every year about paid membership fees so you do not have to anything to receive the tax deduction, no matter if you are a self-paying member or your employer collects the fee from your salary.
Please remember to check that the information in your pre-completed tax return is correct.
You do not have to pay the membership fee if you have no taxable earned income or the right to benefits paid by the unemployment fund. Please remember to notify our member services for such periods since we do not get the information from your employer or authorities.
You are exempted from membership fee if you are:
- On sick leave (unpaid period)
- On pregnancy, parental or care leave or other similar leave (unpaid period)
- In military or non-military service
- Full-time student (no salary)
- Unemployed (receiving labour market subsidy from KELA)
- Other reason as speficied in Unemployment Security Act
If you are receiving earnings-related unemployment benefit or other allowance from Unemployment Fund Pro, you do not need to inform us about a period of no salary.
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Student membership is free of charge. If you joined also Unemployment Fund Pro, you pay the fund's membership fee for only the months you are working and receiving a salary. The membership fee is fully tax-deductible.
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You should continue paying the membership fee as long as you have the right to Finnish social security in order to ensure continuous access to unemployment security. Kela can help you in finding out which country is responsible for your social security when working outside Finland.
Please ensure your unemployment security and contact the unemployment fund well in advance before moving out from Finland.
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Did you resign from YTK before the end of the year? In this case you should ask them to reimburse you for the membership fees for the remainder of the year.
Did you join Pro from another unemployment fund, which collects an annual membership fee? If they are not reimbursing your membership fee, please contact our member services and we will reimburse you the unemployment fund fee for the remainder of the year.
Your reimbursement will cover the period from the month following your membership in Pro until the end of the year.
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- Membership fee is 1.25 per cent of your taxable income. The taxable income includes your salary and fringe benefits, holiday bonuses and holiday compensations as well as salary for notice period when terminating the employment.
- The membership fee is also paid without an upper limit from all compensations or other receivables you may receive as a result of a employment dispute managed by the union.
- The unemployment fund membership fee is collected automatically from benefits paid by Unemployment Fund Pro.
- The total membership fee consists of the union, unemployment fund and local association fees. Overpaid fees are not liable for refund.
- If you join Pro in the middle of the month, the membership fee is calculated as follows:
Divide your monthly salary by the number of actual working days in a given month (21 or 22) and multiply the result by the number of remaining working days of the month in question.

Fee collection by employer
More information on membership fee collection for employers and payroll administrators.

Membership benefits
As a member of Trade Union Pro you receive help and advice, better unemployment security and loads of benefits and services that help you further in your career.

Do you want to update your member information?
You can update your member information online.