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Why should I join a trade union?


Working life is a team effort, not a solo act

Whether its about collective agreements, wage issues or career services, Trade Union Pro is on your side.

The world of work changed, too. Alongside working conditions and working hours, new issues have risen: artificial intelligence, skills development, equality, fragmentation, job satisfaction and career paths – finding your own thing. Moreover, the issues of our time are increasingly being addressed at international tables. 

The dynamics of influence are like laws of nature: few will do better alone now or in the future. More than anything, Pro is about what we achieve when we trust that there is a strength of numbers and build solutions for all rather than the few.   

Because when we are many, working life is better.  When we are many, no one is left alone. 

Pro's members are educated professionals, experts and managers in a wide array of sectors

You can join Pro regardless of your education, title or the quality of your employment.

Pro's membership includes earnings-related unemployment insurance, which means that you join the Unemployment Fund Pro at the same time.  There is no minimum age for membership, but you are entitled to unemployment insurance at the age of 18.

When you become a Pro member, you also join the association. You can choose the association's joining form from the list. You can also leave the field blank, then we will choose an association for you based on your employer or place of residence.

Working life is a team effort, not a solo act. Join us now for only 12.90 euros per month!

Trade Union Pro is a collective force and force in working life. We offer the union membership and all union services to new members for a monthly price of 12.90 euros from 1.11 until 21 September 2025.

Experts by your side

Your closest professional contact is your workplace shop steward or occupational health and safety representative. Pro's experts and lawyers advise, negotiate, agree and ultimately defend you even in court. Legal assistance is free of charge and risk-free for you.

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Legal advice

You can also get free telephone advice on legal issues related to private life or self-employment. Of course, workplace matters are also taken care of, our experts and lawyers ensure that your working conditions are fair and in accordance with the contracts.

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Unemployed? We'll help

As a member, you also belong to Unemployment Fund Pro, and you get earnings-related unemployment insurance if its conditions are met. According to research, the processing times of Unemployment Insurance Fund Pro are the fastest in Finland. So if you become unemployed, your back is protected.

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Career counselling

Pro member, it's easier for you to advance in your career. You get concrete advice from a personal career coach! You are successful, you know how to show off your skills and you are prepared for unexpected changes. When you recognize your competence, you can convince others of it more easily.

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Unwind on holidays

As a Pro member, you can book vacations at an affordable discount price in both hotel and holiday apartment accommodation. Destinations can be found in Finland, Sweden and Spain, from Saariselka to Calahonda.

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Be safe

The passenger and leisure accident insurance included in the membership is valid all over the world and covers your children and grandchildren who are traveling with you under the age of 20.

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Be well

We want you to be well, lead a balanced life and be happy. That's why, as a member, you can talk to a mental or physical well-being specialist free of charge. Also videos, webinars and the some community where you can get information, tips and inspiration.

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Enjoy your free time

As a member, you can also enjoy changing leisure benefits. There are benefits for every departure, for example wellness, restaurants and experiences.

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Become a member

Become a Pro member today and take advantage of all our membership benefits. 

You can join us regardless of your education, title or the quality of your employment.

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Union membership or mere unemployment fund?

Joining an unemployment fund instead of a trade union may sound appealing. However, an unemployment fund is not an inexpensive version of a trade union, as they do not negotiate the terms of your work and salary level or represent you in any way. In addition, did you know that also trade union membership fee is fully tax-deductible?

Unemployment funds have different tasks than trade unions. They take care only for unemployment security and unlike trade unions, they do not help you if there are conflicts or problems at your workplace. In addition, they do not provide advice on matters related to your employment or promote the interest of employees in collective bargaining.

More members a union has, the stronger it is when negotiating collective agreements and more pressure there is for the employer to respect the agreements. According to our research, high rate of unionized employees also means higher salaries. If, for instance, the amount of employees belonging to Trade Union Pro rises from 15 to 20 percent to at least 75 percent, salaries raise for approximately 5 per cent.

Trade Union Pro
Earnings-related unemployment security Yes
Trainings Yes
Career counselling Yes
Collective bargaining Yes
Legal advice Yes
Legal representation Yes
Local union representatives at your workplace Yes
Holiday and other member benefits Yes

The amount of work grew, my salary didn't

When I started working in a new field, the employer was happy to add new responsibilities to me. The new position and new duties excited me, but I was not aware of my salary level. 

I received salary statistics from the union and help to support the salary negotiation. With the help of the union, I was able to negotiate a better salary for myself, which corresponded to my tasks and skills.   I have the feeling that I am not alone in the vicissitudes of working life.

- Juuso, 33 years old, finance industry

I want someone to stand up for me

I belong to a trade union because I don't have the time or know-how to find out everything myself. It's a relief when I know that there is a union that supports me in working life, that I can ask for advice from and that is always on my side.

I am happy that the union is negotiating a collective agreement on my behalf, and I know that when as many colleagues as possible belong to the union, we will be listened to.

- Satu, 45 years old, chemical industry

I was lost

I returned to work from maternity leave and felt like I couldn't find a direction in my career. I struggled with my professional identity and ended up browsing the association's pages. I hadn't realized before how much training and support Pro offers.  
The union's career counseling helped me update my CV and think about my professional self and the directions I am looking for in my career. With the support offered by the union, I got important tools for thinking about my future. Now I know where I can get support in my career and I look forward to what the future will bring.  

- Sanna, 31 years old, finance industry

Union membership turns into a 5 % increase in salary

The more people in the industry belong to a trade union, the more important the union's position is, for example, in collective bargaining negotiations, and the more strictly employers must adhere to agreements. According to our research, belonging to a union brings employees more pay: when, for example, the number of people belonging to Ammatiliitto Pro increases from 15-20 percent to at least 75 percent in the workplace, the employees' salary increases by an average of five percent.

So you get the best security, support and benefits by belonging to a trade union, whose membership also includes membership of the unemployment fund.

According to Pro's research, belonging to a union can bring up to 5% more salary.
When we are many, our words carry weight.