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Unemployment Fund Pro

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Unemployment Fund Pro

Unemployment Fund Pro secures our members living during unemployment, alternation leave or while participating in employment promoting services. The fund provides information about available benefits and helps you in applying for them.

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Unemployment security

Even the most talented expert or a supervisor can become unemployed. As a Pro member, you belong to Unemployment Fund Pro* and receive earnings-related unemployment benefits when the relevant conditions are met. When looking for a new job, we will also help you with personal training, videos, or webinars, just the way that suits you.


Layoff means an employer’s unilateral decision to temporarily suspend pay and work while the employment relationship continues. It can be realised by reducing daily or weekly working hours or by laying off a person full time. A layoff can last either for a predetermined period or indefinitely.
Are wondering how to proceed?

As a member you have our support.

Contact us, we are happy to help!

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Access all benefits and services. 

Membership includes earnings-related unemployment security.