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Pro's legal aid

Pro members are assisted by the union's own lawyers, who have years of experience in employment law, unlike ordinary lawyers. Instead of paying legal fees running into thousands of euros, legal aid is free and risk-free for the member. In the event of losing the case, the opposing party's legal costs will be reimbursed. Legal aid includes legal advice, settlement negotiations and legal aid in court, which is decided by the Pro's legal officer.

Looking for these?

Aikuinen mies, puhelin

Problems at work?

You should try to resolve problems at work with your manager. You can also ask your workplace's professional shop steward or health and safety representative for help.  You can also call on the help of Pro's experts.

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Kaksi asiantuntijaa keskustelee

Experts at your side

Pro's experts and lawyers will advise and negotiate, draw up agreements and ultimately defend you, even in court. For you, legal assistance is free and risk-free.

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Mies ja nainen juristin tai lakimiehen puheilla

Private legal advice

As a Pro member, you can also get free legal advice on private legal matters. The issues may relate to matters such as probate or defects in a home you have bought.

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Are you wondering how to proceed?

As a member you have the support of our experts. 

Contact us, we are happy to help you! 

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Membership includes earnings-related unemployment security.