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Holiday pay and bonus

Typically, the amount paid to your account during your annual holiday consists of holiday pay and often also a holiday bonus. The payment date depends on the workplace and collective agreement, but the amount is always at least equal to your average monthly income

Holiday bonus is not the same as holiday pay or holiday compensation

The holiday bonus should not be confused with holiday pay or compensation, as the two are based on law whereas holiday bonus is a negotiated benefit. Holiday pay refers to the regular salary, which is paid during holiday season. Holiday compensation refers to compensation paid at the end of the employment relationship. The holiday compensation compensates for unused holiday days.

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Do you have questions about your holiday bonus or pay?

When it comes to holiday-related matters, you should always first contact the shop steward of your workplace. The shop steward has often negotiated locally about the payment date of holiday bonus, and they can also help with any disagreements.  If your workplace has no show steward or you do not know who the shop steward is, you can always contact our employee counselling service.

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