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Pay, holidays and leave

Rentoutunut nainen, vapaa-aika
Rentoutunut nainen, vapaa-aika
The remuneration of experts and managers is based on the remuneration system laid down in the collective agreement. As an employee, you are also entitled to annual leave and other types of leave. Labour law sets a minimum level of holidays and leave for employees, but collective agreements can often provide, for example, for longer annual leave than the minimum level. In addition to annual leave, other types of leave are also available, for example for childcare or study.
Pay and holiday pay
Nainen laittaa seteleitä lompakkoon, raha ja talous


The remuneration of experts and managers is based on the remuneration system set out in the collective agreement in the sector. The remuneration system consists of a job evaluation, an individual salary component and possible job-specific components.

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Loma-ajan palkka: kuinka paljon sitä saakaan?

Holiday pay and holiday pay

During your summer holiday, the amount paid into your account consists of holiday pay and, usually, holiday allowance. The holiday allowance is normally 50% of your holiday pay. The timing of the payment varies according to the workplace and the collective agreement.

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Annual leave and other leave
Sinisellä taustalla matkalaukku, loma ja matkailu

Annual leave

Annual leave is paid leave that accrues during the employment relationship. The minimum amount paid during the leave period is the employee's regular salary plus fringe benefits.

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Perhe sohvalla

Family leave

Family leave helps to reconcile parental and work commitments. They include maternity and paternity leave, parental leave, care leave and various types of leave in the event of sudden illness of family members.

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Nainen opiskelee

Study leave

On study leave, you are released from your job for training or study. Your employment will continue, but your work and pay will be suspended.

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Public holidays

Public holidays are paid days off. You should check the collective agreement in your sector to find out how public holidays affect working time and what you are paid for them. Independence Day is paid in accordance with the law.

Shiftwork leave

Shift leave is an arrangement whereby an employee takes time off from work and agrees this leave with the employer in a shift agreement. The worker who takes the leave must be replaced by an unemployed jobseeker, but the job duties do not necessarily have to be the same. You can use the leave in any way you wish while on rotational leave.

Firstly, you must have at least 20 years of work experience before you start your leave. This includes any paid work that has earned you a pension and any self-employment from the age of 18. You can also include periods of childcare leave, military or civilian service, or periods during which you have received maternity, special maternity, paternity or parental allowance or special care allowance under the Health Insurance Act.

To be eligible for shiftwork leave, you must also have worked full-time and for the same employer for at least 13 consecutive months before the start of the leave. You must have worked more than 75% of the working time of a full-time worker in the sector. The 13-month period may include up to 30 unpaid calendar days

In addition, in order to be eligible for alternating leave, an unemployed jobseeker must have been unemployed for a continuous or partial period of at least 90 calendar days during the 14 months preceding the start of the alternating leave. One day's unemployment is sufficient if the replacement is an unemployed jobseeker under 30 years of age who has completed no more than one year of vocational training or higher education, or if the replacement is under 25 or over 55 years of age at the start of the rotational leave.

The minimum duration of the rotational leave is 100 calendar days and the maximum 180 calendar days. If you take less than 180 days, the leave can be extended to a maximum of 180 days if you agree this with your employer at least two months before the end of the originally agreed period of leave.

During the period of shiftwork leave, you will receive a shiftwork allowance equal to 70% of the unemployment allowance to which you would be entitled if you became unemployed. Child supplements to the unemployment allowance are not taken into account. You can apply to the unemployment insurance fund for a rotation allowance if you have been a member for at least 26 weeks before the start of your leave.

You cannot retire directly from rotational leave. The upper age limit for alternating leave is linked to the statutory retirement age, which is the lower age at which the retirement pension starts minus three years. The upper age limit for alternating leave does not apply to persons born before 1957.

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