Mid-week holidays and annual leave
According to Pro’s collective agreements, annual leave is usually assigned on mid-week holidays in accordance with the Annual Holidays Act. All the days of the week except Sundays, Independence Day, Christmas Eve, Midsummer Eve, Easter Saturday, May Day and other public holidays are weekdays. The above-mentioned weekdays defined in the Annual Holidays Act are thus not counted as annual leave days.

Determining working hours for part-time work during a week that includes mid-week holidays
If a part-time employee is scheduled to work on fixed days of the week, such as from Mondays to Wednesdays, they will work as usual from Monday to Wednesday on a week that includes mid-week holidays. If the part-time employee’s workday is on a mid-week holiday, it is normally a paid day off. If the mid-week holiday is on a day off, the working hours of that week are not reduced by giving ‘extra’ leave on a workday.
If the person working part-time is under a separate working hours system, according to which working hours are adjusted to an agreed average (for example, 60% of the average weekly working hours of 36.4), the employee will work in accordance with the working hours system on the week that includes mid-week holidays.
If the employee is not under a working hours system that takes mid-week holidays into account, the employee’s working hours must correspond to the agreed amount of work in a calendar month. For example, the working hours of a part-time employee must be 60% of the working hours of a full-time employee during the month in question.
If an employee is paid by the hour, they should check how working hours are determined in their sector’s collective agreement.
Mid-week holidays and overtime
Mid-week holidays may have an influence on overtime compensation. Check your collective agreement for more information.