The remuneration of experts and managers is based on the remuneration system set out in the collective agreement in the sector. The remuneration system consists of a job evaluation, an individual salary component and possible job-specific components.

Holiday pay and holiday pay
During your summer holiday, the amount paid into your account consists of holiday pay and, usually, holiday allowance. The holiday allowance is normally 50% of your holiday pay. The timing of the payment varies according to the workplace and the collective agreement.

Annual leave
Annual leave is paid leave that accrues during the employment relationship. The minimum amount paid during the leave period is the employee's regular salary plus fringe benefits.

Family leave
Family leave helps to reconcile parental and work commitments. They include maternity and paternity leave, parental leave, care leave and various types of leave in the event of sudden illness of family members.

Study leave
On study leave, you are released from your job for training or study. Your employment will continue, but your work and pay will be suspended.

Public holidays
Public holidays are paid days off. You should check the collective agreement in your sector to find out how public holidays affect working time and what you are paid for them. Independence Day is paid in accordance with the law.