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Study leave

If your full-time employment with the same employer has lasted for at least one year in one or more periods, you are entitled to a maximum of two years of study leave over the course of five years. During study leave, you are exempt from your work for the purpose of education or study. Your employment will continue, but your work and pay will be suspended. Study leave consists of one or more consecutive days of leave granted for predetermined dates. Leave can also be granted for several periods between which the person works. Training or studies during working hours that is assigned by the employer or agreed upon in a collective agreement are not covered by the study leave

If your full-time employment with the same employer has lasted for at least one year in one or more periods, you are entitled to a maximum of two years of study leave over the course of five years.

If your full-time employment with the same employer has lasted for at least three months in one or more periods, you are entitled to a maximum of five days of study leave in total. The period of leave can be taken in one or in several periods.


All studies or training under public supervision are covered by study leave. Such studies or training can include attending to teaching, guided practical training that is part of a curriculum, preparation for the completion of a degree or thesis confirmed by a government authority, full-time independent study to complete a degree or thesis, and participation in an examination.

Study leave can also be granted for studies abroad that are comparable to education under public supervision.

If your study leave lasts longer than five weekdays, you can apply for it in writing from the employer at least 45 days before the start of the leave. If your study leave lasts less than five weekdays, you can apply for it in writing or orally from the employer at least 15 days before the start of the studies.

The application for study leave must indicate the start and completion date of the studies, the form and purpose of the studies, and the education institution or other organiser. In the case of independent study, the application must include the study plan approved jointly by the instructor and the student indicating the intended degree or thesis and the required time. You should also mention whether you are completing education or training commenced during a previous study leave,

If you are applying for study leave to complete a degree, the application must be accompanied by a certificate of enrolment in the degree programme.

Study leave must be granted if there are no sufficient grounds for postponing it and if the content of the study or training fulfils the legal requirements.

When applying for study leave for more than five days, the employer must announce their decision in writing 15 days before the start of the study leave. Where leave is requested for a maximum of five days, the employer must announce their decision seven days before the start of the education or study.

If the employer so requests, the employee must present proof of spending the study leave in an acceptable manner. The employer cannot dismiss or terminate the employment contract of an employee on the grounds that they have applied for or taken leave to study

The employer has the right to postpone study leave if granting it at the desired time significantly impedes the company’s activities. Study leave can be postponed for a maximum of six months under this reason.

If the education programme in question is not available often, the study leave can be postponed until the next time when equivalent training is organised.

The employer also has the right to postpone study leave if less than six months have passed since the previous leave and the purpose of the study leave is not to complete a degree programme or study started with the previous leave.

If the company employs at least five people regularly, the employer can postpone the leave on the basis of the above criteria for a maximum of two consecutive times. In companies with up to four employees, the employer can postpone study leave more often.

An employee has the right to postpone study leave that is intended to last more than five days, provided that it does not cause significant inconvenience to the employer. The announcement of not using the granted leave must be made in writing at least two weeks before the start of the leave.

It is possible to suspend study leave granted for more than 50 workdays by notifying the employer in writing four weeks before returning to work. If a temporary employee has been hired during the study leave, the employer is not obliged to offer the employee on leave work before the temporary employee’s contract expires. The employer must respond promptly in writing to the employee’s request to suspend the leave.

If your incapacity for work due to an illness, childbirth or accident begins during the study leave and continues for more than seven consecutive days, the following days of incapacity for work are not counted as study leave if you request it without delay. Upon application, you are entitled to continue your interrupted study leave later. However, you must provide an explanation of your incapacity for work at the employer’s request.

Annual leave accrues during study leave so that a maximum of 30 calendar days of study leave in the holiday entitlement year are considered equivalent to working hours. In other words, one month accrues annual leave.

An employee can receive adult education allowance from the Employment Fund during study leave.  The Employment Fund also grants scholarships to those who have completed a vocational upper secondary qualification, a vocational qualification or a specialised vocational qualification.

You should also check your entitlement to Kela’s financial aid for students.

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