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Local bargaining in the chemical industry

The Chemical Industry Association and Trade Union Pro ry are taking active measures to bring local bargaining to a new rise. Cooperation creates the basis for local agreement. In cooperation, the unions have created a local bargaining level gauge for workplaces. With the help of the meter, workplaces can evaluate the level of negotiation culture and cooperation in their workplace.
Kemianalan työturvallisuutta edistetään hankkeessa

Guide to using the indicator

The measurement can be carried out in your company either as a survey aimed at employer and personnel representatives, or as a broader survey, in which case the survey is carried out for a larger group of supervisors and employees in addition to those mentioned above.

We recommend making the survey more extensive. It is possible to carry out the survey in all personnel groups.

Respondents each form their own point of view by answering questions independently and based on their own experience anonymously.

The statements of all themes are evaluated on a four-point scale. There are no right or wrong answers. The purpose is to find out the common and different views of the parties on the different areas of cooperation.

Based on the survey data, a report can be created that shows the answers of the employer's representative/representatives and shop steward/employees anonymously. A company can request this report from the Chemical Industry by sending mail to the address [email protected]

After this, these views and further measures are discussed together at the workplace. In particular, claims where the views of the parties differ significantly from each other or where the views are clearly congruent are brought up in the discussion.

Discuss your strengths, areas of development and follow-up actions, as well as related schedules.

Skills for local bargaining