Pro members can holiday at a variety of Holiday Club destinations at member discount prices. There are wonderful spa experiences, stunning northern destinations and the Spanish sun on offer. Since the holiday destinations are very popular, we will be raffling them off among those interested. You can participate in the lottery via this booking service link between 12.2. and 16.3.
You can participate in the holiday week lottery by first logging into the Holiday Club business service. You can find the login instructions here.
Then log into the Lottery section with your own member number and password. You can participate in the lottery for three holiday destinations per lottery period.
The holiday destinations will be drawn on 19.3. After the lottery, the system will automatically send an email to all participants.
The holidays that remain available after the lottery will be updated on 25.3. at 10 am in the Holiday Club online store, where they can be booked directly as normal reservations.
You can check the affordable member prices, reservation status and schedule in the reservation service under Free weeks or by calling 0300 870 903.
Good luck with the lottery!