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Trade Union Pro organises a political demonstration in the ICT and insurance sectors on 27 October

Trade Union Pro is organising a political demonstration on Friday 27th October 2023 in the ICT and insurance sectors. In total, around 18, 000 people are employed in these sectors.

The one-hour demonstration will take place on Friday 27.10.2023 at all workplaces in the ICT and insurance sectors. The demonstration will take place by leaving the workplace at 3 PM. 

The aim of the demonstration is to influence the Finnish government's decisions to weaken working conditions, such as shortening the negotiation period for changes and making the employee pay for the first sick leave day, interfering with trade unions' freedom of agreement, and cuts in social security, abolishing the adult education allowance and the job alternating leave, and weakening the earnings-related unemployment benefit.   

– The Finnish government is pushing for cuts in workers' rights while eroding the safety net of working life. These historically drastic cuts to working life and social security are unacceptable because we want to safeguard our members' working conditions and livelihoods, says Jorma Malinen, President of Trade Union Pro.   

Pro wants the Finnish government to negotiate the reforms with the social partners in a genuine way.   

Those covered by collective agreements in the insurance and ICT sectors are taking part in the demonstration. Around 8,000 people work in the insurance sector and 10,000 in the ICT sector.