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Pro's equality award 2024

We look for actions or entities that have promoted gender equality in working life for the renewed Pro equality award to be given out in the fall. Applications must be submitted by August 31, 2024.

Members or staff can propose an award for Pro workplaces, members or other entities that have made merit in equality and equity work. If the award is proposed for the workplace, the application must be completed together with the employer.

Actions that promote equality and equity in working life are taken into account in the evaluation of applications. The act can be related, for example, to gender pay equality, helping with work and life balance, planning for equality, preventing sexual or other harassment or discrimination, or promoting the diversity of working life. The action can be, for example, an implemented development project, a good workplace practice, an operating method that has produced results, or cooperation within the workplace or with other operators.

The final selection is made by the Board of Trade Union Pro.

The award is a token of recognition and will be awarded in November 2024 on STTK's Women's Salary Day.

What do we mean by equality? 
Promotion of gender equality and prevention of discrimination (women, men, trans people, transgender, intersex, gender expression).

What do we mean by equity? 
Promotion of equality related to personal characteristics and prevention of discrimination (age, origin, citizenship, language, religion, belief, opinion, political activity, trade union activity, family relationships, state of health, disability, sexual orientation and other reason related to the person).

 Kuvassa Pron puheenjohtaja Jorma Malinen, Pron johtaja Minea Pyykönen, Naisten Linjan toiminnanjohtaja Katju Aro sekä viestinnän asiantuntija Minttu Poutanen, varainhankinta- ja talouspäällikkö Elina Lakso ja vastaava väkivaltatyön asiantuntija Maria Virtala.

2023: Women's Line

Pro awarded the 2023 Equality Award to Naisten Linja in recognition of versatile work to help women and girls who experience violence or the threat of it, as well as their loved ones.  

Pro wanted to highlight the visibility of intimate partner violence in working life and the importance of supporting those who experience violence.


Kuvassa Niko Simola (vas.), Hanne Salonen, Jorma Malinen, Mari Walls ja Teemu Hassinen.

2022: Sivista

Pro awarded the 2022 equality award to Sivistas työnantajat ry Sivista and Finnish universities for progressive registration of family leave in the collective agreement.

The universities' collective agreement guarantees both parents 32 weekdays of paid parental leave and thus increases equality in working life.


Pron tasa-arvopalkinto jaettiin marraskuun alussa.

2021: S-Bank

Pro awarded the 2021 equality award to S-Bank for meritorious practical actions for the realization of equality and equality. These actions include, for example, a modified work model and recruitment where the person's age and gender are not asked.

The modified work model makes it easier to return to work, for example, after an illness or supports coping at work if the employee faces a challenge related to his personal life, such as a family member falling ill. The employee receives full pay for the time of modified work.

DNA tasa-arvopalkinto 2020

2020: DNA

The 2020 equality award was awarded to DNA for the development of family-friendly operating methods. The company's uncomplicated remote work practices, work shift arrangements, a week off for grandparents and services for taking care of family members make everyday life and work easier.

The operating methods are also used by both staff and temporary workers and meet the needs of different families.

Pron tasa-arvopalkinto

2019: Nokia and Ramboll

The 2019 equality awards were awarded to two companies. Nokia Oy was recognized for its meritorious salary survey. The company reviewed the salaries of all employees to find unjustified salary differences and allocated a separate budget to correct them.

Ramboll Finland Oy was awarded for promoting the integration of work and other life.  In Ramboll, school leave is used, among other things.


valio saa tasa-arvopalkinnon 2018

2018: Valio

Valio received Pro's first equality award for the implementation of trustees' access to information rights. The shop stewards' right to information and salary transparency are key ways to improve pay equality in the workplace.