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Employee representatives

Personnel representatives support you in all matters related to your work. The shop steward is an expert who looks after your interests at the workplace. The occupational safety officer monitors the implementation of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.
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How can I find my representatives?

Your shop steward will give you answers to questions about your workplace. Employee representatives will also help you in situations such as inappropriate treatment. If you are unsure about who your shop steward or occupational safety officer is, contact us or your local association. 

Employee representatives support you at your workplace

A shop steward represents a company’s employees organised under Trade Union Pro and monitors compliance with legislation and agreements.

The shop steward assists the members of their union with problematic situations and participates in developing the working community. They act as the primary negotiation representative chosen by employees. A shop steward’s term of office is mainly three years.

The occupational safety officer is an expert who supervises the implementation of the Occupational Safety and Health Act at the workplace as the employees’ representative. The occupational safety officer is familiar with occupational safety issues related to their workplace and participates in occupational safety inspections at the workplace.

Your shop steward will give you answers to questions about your workplace. Employee representatives will also help you in situations such as inappropriate treatment. If you are unsure who your representatives are, contact your local association or us. 

A shop steward is usually elected for a term of three years. The term of office begins at the start of the calendar year following the election. All Pro members in the workplace have the right to stand as a shop steward candidate.

In occupational safety and health elections, employees elect their representatives for the workplace’s occupational safety and health cooperation. The occupational safety and health elections are held every two years from 1 November to 31 December, unless otherwise agreed. In occupational safety and health elections, all employees can vote and stand as candidates.

Shop stewards develop the workplace

In the video, see chief shop steward Annamari Österberg's thoughts on the work of a shop steward today.

Occupational safety and health officer is there to help and listen

Occupational Health and Safety representative will help if something bothers you. In the video, Seija Gustafsson explains what the occupational health and safety commissioner does in the workplace.


Shop steward elections - how to elect a shop steward

The election of a shop steward is based on the collective agreement and is carried out by the members of Pro. Pro members have the right to stand for election as a shop steward. The recommended term of office is three years. After the election, the details of those elected must be reported to both the employer and Trade Union Pro.

Health and safety elections

Pro's health and safety representative is an expert in workplace safety who represents employees, experts and front-line workers in workplace health and safety activities. As the representative of the staff, the health and safety representative monitors the implementation of health and safety legislation at the workplace, keeps himself or herself informed about health and safety issues affecting his or her workplace and participates in joint health and safety activities at the workplace.