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Health and safety elections - how to elect a health and safety representative

Kokenut nainen hymyilee, hieman vakava ilme
Kokenut nainen hymyilee, hieman vakava ilme
Pro's health and safety representative is an expert in workplace safety who represents employees, experts and front-line workers in workplace health and safety activities. As the representative of the staff, the health and safety representative monitors the implementation of health and safety legislation at the workplace, keeps himself or herself informed about health and safety issues affecting his or her workplace and participates in joint health and safety activities at the workplace.
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The election is organised by the workers

Employees organise the election of the health and safety representative and deputies.

All workers in the workplace must have the opportunity to participate in the election, i.e. to stand as a candidate and vote. If the workplace elects its own employee health and safety representative, only all employees participate in this election. The election must not cause undue disruption to the operation of the workplace and the employer must not make it difficult to organise the election.

The organisers shall agree the time and place of the election with the employer. Unless otherwise agreed, the election shall take place between 1 November and 31 December of the year preceding the beginning of the new term of office.

Prior to the election, the head of labour protection invites representatives of the staff groups to a consultation. At the consultation meeting, the scope of activities, the extent of the health and safety organisation, the number of members of the health and safety committee, the representation of the various parties and the distribution of staff between the various groups are agreed and determined.

The practical organisation of the elections is carried out by the existing health and safety committee or by an election committee made up of staff representatives and comprising at least three members. The employer must make available to the employees the space needed to organise the elections. The employer shall make available to the employees a list of the employees in the workplace and, where appropriate, a list of the staff members for the purpose of organising the elections.

At least 14 days before the election, notice of the election shall be given by means of a notice reaching all eligible employees.


Nomination and voting

Anyone entitled to vote may stand as a candidate in an election. However, non-nominees may also vote in the elections. Delegates are elected on the basis of the number of votes cast.